#58 Solat Zohor Awal Waktu Pada Hari Jumaat

Soalan Assalamualaikum. Bagaimana kedudukan solat Zohor di awal waktu pada hari Jumaat? Jawapan Alhamdulillah, puji [...]

#57 Bersalaman Ketika Wabak Covid-19

Soalan Assalamualaikum. Apa hukum saling bersalaman ketika wabak Covid-19 masih sedang menular dan merebak dalam [...]

#56 Fadhilat Menghafaz al-Quran

Soalan Apakah fadhilat menghafaz al-Quran? Jawapan Alhamdulillah, puji dan syukur kepada Ilahi atas pelbagai kurniaan [...]

Chapter 50: Serving as Negeri Sembilan’s Fatwa Committee Member

“Dear Muslimin blessed by Allah SWT. Among the purposes of the revelation of Allah SWT [...]

Chapter 49: The Beginning of My Writing of Syarah Hikam

“It may be just plain rice, a few dishes and salted egg, alhamdulillah. Everything is [...]

Chapter 48: Learning Not Only in the Classroom

Diploma in Islamic Studies Program is a new program founded as a result of the [...]

Chapter 47: The Place Where It All Started

“Dad, mom… this is my first salary. I want to give it to you, dad, [...]

Chapter 46: From Paroi to Pasir Panjang

“Alhamdulillah…” Zul said as he smiled looking at the sunrise from Taman Paroi Jaya, Seremban, [...]

Chapter 45: Goodbye O the Land of Syria

“Zulkifli, you’ve nearly completed your thesis. It has been a year of you going back [...]

Chapter 44: My Travels to the United Kingdom

“Welcome to the United Kingdom, Ustaz Zul!” Husni greeted him, holding out his hands to [...]